The basics
8 weeks
Sole designer
User Experience, Visual design, packaging design
My impact
I planned and implemented the project.
Actions taken
Research: Market research, interviewes with the target group, suvey. 5 concepts were made and 2 selected for a pitch for Rose Garden.
Problems identified
Production costs increased significantly if more that 3 colours was used, and lead to limitations in the project.
Design a sushi box, china box, bowl, bag and a chopsticks case.To show a context, I also made a visual on how the design would look in digital channels.
For unknown reason Rose Garden (maybe money) did not implement the package designs, but did select one of the concepts as a favorite, and this is what I show below as final result.
Designing - user feedback - rethinking - designing
For this very visual graphic design project the sketching phase was prioritised to take some extra time.
The problem
Background and needs
Rose Garden Neo Asian
Rose Garden Neo Asian is a chain of restaurants located at 17 spots around Sweden. They were in need of food boxes to start with takeaway / food to go. Their signature colors is purple and pink and have a nice clean, edgy graphic profile.
The users
Target group
Quantative & Qualitative Research
From interviews and surveys I created a persona to represent the user. This in order to understand the user better.
The solution
Step 1: create a feeling of what to create
The chosen concept consists of a monochrome pattern against the background color and with a logo in an accent color that makes it stand out against pattern and background. The boxes vary in color where the sushi box is black, bowl is pink and box is purple. This is to create a variety and a subtle playfulness in the concept.
The low budget bags are selected in Rose Gardens signature colors pink and purple. These are the colors that are best seen and differentiated from the amount in an urban environment. The chopsticks are designed in black, pink and purple for variety.
My focus group that evaluated the final result gave, among other things, the feedback:
“Feels like Rose Garden” - Martin & Yan
“Wow!” - John
"Cool!" - Caroline
FInished products:
In a fictitious project, I would have wanted the pattern, which in the result appears as a change of tone in the color, had been an embossing (pressed down) with higher gloss level instead. It would have given a slightly more exclusive and even more subtle feel, but in a reality where money rules, I ruled out that as a proposition for this client, as it was quite clear from the start that it was a little more low price product that was in demand. The challenge was instead in making a product which felt a bit more exclusive but with simple means.